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Sherlock Holmes Trailer

May 18, 2009

sherlockholmes-poster.jpgWarner Bros. has finally released the Sherlock Holmes trailer and it looks fantastic. RDJ stars as the English detective with his charasmatic sidekick Watson played by Jude Law. With Rachel McAdams and Mark Strong, Guy Ritchie’s slo-mo bouts and dutch angle laden take on the turn of the century detective looks extremely impressive. You can find the trailer on Trailer Addict HERE.

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Mr. Chew

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  1. Mr. Knives permalink
    May 21, 2009 3:46 PM

    I can’t wait to see it. I’ve always likes Sherlock Holmes, I remember watching some of the old films. What can I say i like detective stories. But this new one looks a little more action packed… and it looks awesome.


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